The 3 Flirt Signals a Man Will Show a Woman He Adores Her

Men display various flirt signals to show he is interested in the woman he is flirting with, but women find it hard to read and do not realise that the man is showing her flirt signals which usually means he wants to be more than just friends with the woman. Some men are confident and clearly display flirt signals towards women whereas some men have more hidden, discrete flirt signals that they hide so it becomes difficult to tell if he is flirting with you. So if you want to know if a man is showing you different types of flirt signals then read below for the three most obvious and notable flirt signals a man will show you.

1. Body language is one of the most obvious of all the flirt signals there are as it is a great giveaway. This will be when the man is clamping his hands together as he speaks to you because he is nervous and keeps his hands held together throughout the conversation. Another sign is when he also tries to lean towards you to show he is interested in you and slowly moves closer and closer as he gets ready to try and make a possible move.

2. When men speak to women they are interested in some men become so nervous that they tend to stutter. They do this unknowingly as their nerves tend to get the better of them because when they are in the company of a beautiful woman they adore it becomes difficult for the man to get his words out correctly.

3. One of the most sneaky of the flirt signals is when the man loves to be alone with the woman he is interested in and wants to be on his own with the woman to spend quality time with her. So the man will always look for private moments on your own with you and grab every opportunity he can so he can gradually become more intimate with you so you are comfortable and relaxed when he is with you.

Men have strange ways of showing a woman flirt signals so follow the steps above to note when a man is showing you flirt signals and be aware of when he is spending a lot of time with you when you are on your own, when his body language leans towards you and when he sometimes stutters when he is nervous when you are with him. All these flirt signals will show you this man adores you and wants more than just friendship with you.

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